Understanding Dyslexia Myths and Facts: Nurturers

Dyslexia Part-IV: Educational graphic comparing Myths and Facts.

Dyslexia is a heavily misunderstood disorder. Due to its portrayal in movies, in books, and media, it is seen as something it is not. We must be aware of the negative and wrong myths of dyslexia. Some myths and their subsequent facts are –

Myth: People with dyslexia are not working hard enough

This is the most negative and demeaning myth of them all. Dyslexia is a learning disorder. It takes work and effort to minimize its effects. The fact that people believe that dyslexia is just a man-made issue and it doesn’t exist is insensitive. Sadly, many people think that it is just an excuse to be lazy, which highlights the importance of awareness. Dyslexia is a learning disorder, which is exhausting for the child and must be seen seriously.

Myth: More boys have dyslexia than girls

Facts about Dyslexia are not a gender-specific disorder, nor are there any studies that indicate its inclination towards one gender. Then, why is it that more boys are diagnosed than girls? This is because dyslexia causes frustration and anger in the classroom. Generally, boys react to this stress by acting out while girls quieten. Teachers and parents are this way, able to identify dyslexia in boys faster.

Myth: Dyslexia children shouldn’t be given extra help in school

This is a very common complaint – that teachers don’t cut marks for spellings in their answer sheets, or they get extra time. And as students, this may seem unfair. However, it is important to remember that they already have an edge over children with learning disorders, and for the educational system to be equal and just, it is necessary for children with dyslexia to be provided with extra help and time, so that they don’t lag behind others. For students with dyslexia, the content in their answer sheet is always more important than the spelling.  Such steps ensure the holistic and collective development of society.

These are the most common myths and facts about dyslexia, especially in India. Dispelling these myths and understanding the facts of this learning disorder are very important. No one should give in or believe in such myths that demeanor hurt people with dyslexia.


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