
Sensory Integration

Sensory-based therapies involve activities that are believed to organize the sensory system by providing vestibular, proprioceptive, auditory, and tactile inputs. Brushes, swings, balls, and other specially designed therapeutic or recreational equipment are used to provide these inputs.

Sensory Processing Disorder

Sensory processing disorder is a condition in which the brain has trouble receiving and responding to information that comes in through the senses. People with SPD may misinterpret everyday sensory information, such as touch, sound and movement. This means that a child with sensory processing disorder finds it difficult to process and act upon the information received through his senses via sounds, movements, touch, smell and taste.

AN EXAMPLE: Aman has trouble sitting in class. He wants to look at the teacher but everything else catches his attention. He squints as the lights are too bright. He wants to write but he applies too much pressure and breaks his pen.

We all have sensory preferences. However it becomes a disorder only when it significantly affects one or more areas of functioning and hinders our day to day life.

Some of the Red Flags of SPD not to ignore are:

Constantly touching objects
Squirms and/or fidgets frequently
Constantly moving
Clumsy or uncoordinated
Invades personal space
Mouths objects

Sensory processing affects the behavior in the following steps:

First the sensory system sends the information to the brain.
Then the brain decides what to do
Usually, it sends an appropriate motor response
Sometimes the brain doesn’t know what to do
This can cause behavioral or emotional challenges
This processing can be affected by neurological processing or more

Symptoms of Sensory Integration

Sensory integration services are needed when individuals struggle to process and respond to sensory inputs effectively. Here are the common symptoms:

Sensory-Seeking Behaviors:
  • Constantly touching objects or people.
  • Seeking intense sensory experiences like spinning, jumping, or crashing into things.
Sensory Avoidance:
  • Overreacting to sounds, lights, or textures.
  • Avoiding certain activities like messy play or wearing specific clothes.
Motor Skill Challenges:
  • Difficulty with coordination and balance.
  • Struggles with fine motor tasks like writing or using utensils.
Behavioral and Emotional Issues:
  • Frequent meltdowns or tantrums due to sensory overload.
  • Anxiety or frustration in stimulating environments.
Symptoms of Sensory Integration

Causes of Sensory Integration

Sensory integration challenges often result from underlying conditions or external factors, including:

Causes of Sensory Integration
Neurological Conditions:
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
  • Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
Developmental Delays:
  • Premature birth or low birth weight.
  • Delays in reaching motor or sensory milestones.
Birth-Related Factors:
  • Birth trauma or complications during delivery.
  • Oxygen deprivation at birth.
Environmental Factors:
  • Limited exposure to diverse sensory experiences during early development.
  • Trauma or stress during critical developmental periods.

Helping children process and respond to sensory information effectively.