Best Cerebral Palsy Treatment In Noida at Nurturers

Child with cerebral palsy struggling during mealtime

Best Cerebral Palsy Treatment In Noida at Nurturers

Difficult Mealtime With CP (Cerebral Palsy) Children

Mealtime is often stressful for parents because in initial years of life children develop their food habits with various activities but it is even more difficult for the parents with CP (Cerebral Palsy) children. Eating or Mealtime lays the foundation for the development of various higher functions in children but children with cerebral palsy have various associated conditions that affect their mealtime a lot. Regardless of how severe the disorder is, meals for the CP (Cerebral Palsy) children last much longer than average. Even with longer mealtimes some children still do not get the required amount of nutrition that they need. Studies show that children with cerebral palsy are at higher risk for malnutrition.

Common reasons for difficult time eating:

  • Oro-Motor Dysfunction
  • Difficult swallowing
  • Excessive drooling
  • Poor hand to mouth coordination
  • Poor body awareness
  • Seizures
  • Impaired vision
  • Joint Contractures
  • Weak Core muscles or no postural support
  • Poor hand manipulation and grasps

Cerebral Palsy Treatment in Noida

Many individuals with CP experience feeding difficulties due to motor impairments that affect the muscles used in chewing and swallowing. Both these functions are complex and require over 30 different nerves and muscles. Associated disorders like exaggerated gag reflex, tactile hypersensitivity, tongue thrusting make feeding time difficult. All people with CP have problems with movement and posture. It makes mealtime even harder for them as they are not able to sit properly.

What can we do to help them??

  • To promote eating make sure the child can see the plate and food clearly.
  • Consider purchasing child friendly, colorful plates and utensils.
  • Consider dishes with their favourite cartoon character printed on them.
  • Notice their food preferences and offer their favourite food.
  • Serve warm food as smelling the food will enhance the craving in a child to have it.
  • Allow your child to touch the food before attempting to feed, ultimately it will help the feeding process.
  • If the child is not able to sit erect, use a CP chair or corner chair for a proper posture to eat.
  • If the child is too shaky, introduce weighted utensils to their eating process. It will promote self-feeding.
  • If the child has started feeding make sure he/she swallows fully and promote eating in a sitting position.
  • In case of excessive drooling or poor oro-motor functions seek professional help.
  • CP children tend to thrust their tongue and keep their mouth open. Provide soft diet (like rice and dal, breads, jellies etc) so that it can be swallowed and digested easily.
  • Try introducing finger foods like crackers, grapes, biscuits, breads. Make sure there is no large gap between the meals of your child. Try to feed him/her on small intervals so that the required amount of nutrition is provided.
  • Promote self feeding if the child has learned swallowing techniques. Start by placing a spoon in the child’s hand and guide the food into his/her mouth. This will also develop good eye-hand coordination.
  • Practice these techniques and steps over and over again until the child understands the concept and learns hand to mouth movement. It will ultimately help him in better ADL skills.


Keep it in mind that it may take time and a lot of training but despite all the messes by those little hands you are promoting your child’s independence. Contact Nurturers for cerebral palsy therapy in noida.

Be patient and consistent.

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