Children and teacher engaging in a collaborative block-building activity.

Reducing Anxiety in Children with Autism Friendly Activities

Autism, often known as Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a group of developmental disorders that influence how a person sees the environment and interacts with others. Art and craft activities that include the senses can be an effective method to improve your child’s attention span, and self-expression, and lessen any anxiety-related problems for children with…

Speech therapist teaching phonetics to young boy in classroom

The Role of Speech Therapy in Enhancing Communication Skills for Kids

Effective communication is a fundamental aspect of human interaction, influencing social, emotional, and academic development. However, for some children with special needs, communication can present significant challenges. Special education in Noida offers a range of interventions, including speech therapy, to address these difficulties and enhance the communication skills of children. In this article, we will…

Doctor conducting a brain activity test on a patient using EEG equipment.

Impact of Art Therapy on Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Neurodevelopmental disorders, such as autism, present unique challenges for children, affecting their communication, social interaction, and behavior. While traditional therapies play a crucial role in their development, art therapy has emerged as a powerful and effective approach to supporting children with these conditions and autism centers have recognized the positive impact of art therapy in…

Group of children and adults sitting in a circle on the grass, doing a hand exercise

How Does the Learning Environment Affect Children with Autism?

Learning occurs when experiences result in change, which can introduce new knowledge and skills. It is a fluid process in which the brain adapts to new information and feedback. Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects how a person thinks, learns, communicates, and solves problems, frequently resulting in behavioral, social, and communication issues. People with…


Importance of Special Education for children with Special Needs

Children with learning difficulties are sometimes overlooked and ridiculed by society. They frequently receive negative feedback from schools and thus refuse to establish positive external cognitions. This is completely incorrect. As humans, they have a fundamental right to an equal opportunity to receive an education. Special education is viewed as educational practices established for children…


Impact of Down Syndrome on Language and Communication

Down syndrome is a developmental difficulty due to a chromosomal error (or a problem with genes). All children with Down syndrome have some degree of learning disability and develop skills at a slower rate to other children. Delays in language based and learning milestones are evident around their first birthday. The language skills of children…